The Process - 4 Steps To Success
Your project is unique to you. Every project is a little different but we have established a list of steps to help with the project flow.
Step 1: Understand Your Project & The Scope.
You don’t need to know everything about materials or what we will need to do, you just need to know everything you want to achieve. We will help you select materials and processes to deliver what you want.
Step 2: Look for Referrals to Contractors & Ask for References
Understand your project and collect a few bids for the project. Every contractor is different and will have different skills and abilities. The bids should be clear and concise and should contain all the required information. Be wary of low information and low prices.
Step 3: Choose Your Desired Materials & Scope. Then Choose Your Contractor
Before you pay for any service you must secure a final bid and a contract that mirrors the final bid. You should be clear about any extra charges or potential change orders.
Step 4: Let Your Contractor Guide You Through The Process.
This is the typical order that we will need you to follow.